This is the homepage of the Indie Game Development Studio not yet officially known as Slothsoft .
This place is our personal sandbox for honing our skills at software development and trying out new stuff.
What you'll find here will be mostly related to games we love and games we created.
At the moment, that would be:
- Minecraft
We have an open Minecraft server running 24/7 at
, feel free to drop by.The pages here are supposed to help our loyal players in their daily struggle for survival.
- Tales of
Sometimes, when playing an awesome game, we wind up developing some kind of tool for more efficient gameplay. When they're good enough, they might end up somewhere here.
- What The Hell
Of all the things we've created, this one resembles a game the most. It's kind of a co-op "Scribblenauts meets Tabu".
All pages here should be available in English and German. Whenever we create a new page we choose the language based on our mood at the time, and afterwards we choose wether to translate it based on our mood at that time.
This part of Slothsoft consists of these people:
- Daniel Schulz
- The programmer.
We also have a sister branch over at .